Philippine Air Force may soon receive Saab Gripen fighters

Philippines buys Saab Gripen
Swedish Air Force Gripen C multirole combat aircraft.

Acting Defense Secretary of the Philippines Carlito Galvez Jr. and Swedish Defense Minister PÃ¥l Jonson recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will allow Swedish companies to participate in the Philippines' various defense procurement programs. Among other defense plans, Manila's current priority is to enhance the Philippine Air Force's surveillance and interdiction capabilities.

The Philippine Air Force is conducting a Multi-Role Fighter Acquisition Program (MRF) that sees Sweden (Gripen) and United States (F-16) proposals top above those of India (Tejas) and China (JF-17 Thunder). The purchase of second-hand aircraft is the nation's preferred route as they better meet the defense budget.

Saab's offer includes a batch of Gripen C and D fighters (single- and two-seat) upgraded with fifth-generation systems, the unofficial designation of which is standard "C+".

On the other hand, the US proposal is based on second-hand F-16 Block 50/52 jets upgraded to Viper standard.

Stephen Parreño, Chief of Staff of the Philippine Air Force, led a small delegation to Sweden May 24-28, where he met with Swedish Air Force commanders and toured Saab facilities to learn more about JAS-39 fighters and the Saab 340 AEW&C.

The purchase of new fighters aims to bolster PAF's current fleet of 12 South Korean-manufactured FA-50PH supersonic light fighters.

Written by Matteo Sanzani
Image: Saab

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