Bell Boeing delivers first modified Osprey to US Marine Corps to improve fleet readiness

Upgrade reduces configuration types to stre.amline maintenance and repairs.

Marine Corps receive first modified osprey
Boeing test pilots conduct the maiden flight of the first V-22 Osprey under the Common Configuration – Readiness and Modernization (CC-RAM) program. Initial test points were completed for functional checkouts to prepare the MV-22 for delivery to the U.S. Marine Corps customer. (Boeing photo).

On 10 Dec. 2019 Boeing and Bell Textron Inc. announced that they had delivered the first modified Osprey MV-22 to the United States Marine Corps to improve the readiness and reliability of the tiltrotor fleet.

The Marines have multiple configurations of the MV-22 aircraft in service. Under the Common Configuration – Readiness and Modernization (CC-RAM) program, Bell Boeing is reducing the number of configurations by upgrading block “B” aircraft to the current block “C” configuration.

“Our first CC-RAM aircraft returning to Marine Corps Air Station New River was a key program benchmark,” said U.S. Marine Corps Col. Matthew Kelly, program manager, V-22 Joint Program Office (PMA-275). “We are excited to see the capability, commonality and readiness improvements these CC-RAM aircraft bring to the fleet as part of the Marine Corps’ V-22 readiness program.”

As a block “B” configuration, this MV-22 was originally delivered to the fleet in 2005. In 2018, the aircraft flew from Marine Corps Air Station New River to the Boeing Philadelphia facility for modernization.

“This milestone marks the beginning of an Osprey evolution,” said Kristin Houston, vice president, Boeing Tiltrotor Programs and director, Bell Boeing V-22 Program. “Through a shared focus on safety and quality, the Bell Boeing team is delivering modernized MV-22 aircraft that are ready to serve our dedicated servicemen and women who rely on this essential aviation resource.”

The next CC-RAM delivery is expected in early 2020.

“We look forward to having the remaining MV-22 block “B” aircraft rejoin the fleet in a block “C” configuration,” said Kelly.

In November 2019, the U.S. Navy awarded Bell Boeing $146,039,547 to upgrade nine additional MV-22 aircraft under the CC-RAM program, with work expected to be completed in March 2022.

Source: Boeing

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